Creatives, entrepreneurs, and data-oriented companies will relocate to your iNnovation neighborhood, creating new socio-economic opportunities in both the private and public sector.
For tech-savvy consumers, your iNnovation neighborhood will become a “lifestyle” destination that embraces social networking, personalized communication, boutique data services, and immediate information. Tourists, students, entrepreneurs, Smart City and Internet of Things (IoT) developers, and a new generation of residents will be drawn to your innovation neighborhood. This will create not only demand for retail and professional services, but also cool working and living spaces.
Imagine your iNnovation neighborhood with a rich social fabric, a variety of community amenities, and high speed data and Internet infrastructure, by which people can meet and share a wider range of ideas and inspiration. Together, residents and businesses of your innovation neighborhood will enjoy the benefits of a more inclusive, innovative, and productive community.
Smart Cities: The market for Smart Cities investment is accelerating, as evidenced by the White House’s Smart City announcement. Your innovation neighborhood gives your community, entrepreneurs, and local Smart City stakeholders the ability to develop and incorporate new Smart City technologies in an effective manner.