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Why is Smart City important to you?
- I’m passionately interested in the Delmar Divide, digital equity, racial equity, and effective use of municipal resources, all of which are relevant to the Smart City concept.
- As a resident of the West End neighborhood, small business owner, and adjunct faculty member at the Brown School, I believe that building a Smart City is crucial for the economic development of our emerging neighborhood. A Smart City would also enable us to address the disenfranchisement that cripple’s communities.
- It is a chance to create digital inclusion through technology.
- To improve safety and efficiency of transportation for user, and non-users of transportation system.
- Because St. Louis is my home, and I want to help it live up to its potential to become a place that people choose to make their home, rather than just stagnation keeping a lot of people who grew up here in the region.
- Expanding educational opportunity and equity.
- Providing IT skills for the under served community.
- Transactions and applications that are important to our business.
- The digital economy is for real and we need to be effective users of the merging technology.
- Helping to bring what Craft Alliance must offer to a larger group of people throughout.
- For different projects, we are working on.
- I live in the West End and I want to make sure my neighborhood is aware and participates in this opportunity.
- The future.
- Easy and efficient.
- Because building a dumb city just doesn’t cut it.
- I live here. I remember when North of Delmar was thriving when my grandfather lived on West Cabanne Place and my father practiced surgery at St Luke’s Hospital. I would like to be a part of restoring the city so that people of all religions and colors can live together peacefully and share their passions for the arts without fear. That is a difficult problem to solve, perhaps. Back then I was a child and was unaware of all the problems that were seething .. My grandfather stayed in his home while the neighborhood crumbled around him. I moved away from St Louis for a long time and returned 13 years ago but have just recently had time to become aware. The internet was invented by a high school classmate of mine , We should make St Louis a “smart City” and connect the qualities that people have to offer.
- To protect and provide for the interests of local St. Louis residents.
- Smart cities can bring an economy to under-served markets. It can provide safety and security and efficiency to any city or community.
- Building smart cities is important for the safety and security of the citizens and promotes revenue growth. It can also help the under-served communities who need it the most.
- A Smart City, if implemented in a socially responsible way, will provide access to resources that historically have been out of reach for many individuals.
- Because it’s something that offer an opportunity to thrive for those that currently have no win.
- St. Louis is my hometown. I want to see it prosper in the new world we are creating.
- To connect us, create community., open access for inclusion and for education and workforce development.
- As a member of the Brown School/Washington University community; as a citizen of this region; and professional interest in how citizens are engaged in urban planning.
- It is a MUST in order to fully capitalize on present and future energy cost savings and optimize energy efficiencies, as we move closer to implementing the “Internet of Things.”
- Attract more jobs and more residents.
- It will allow better coordination and integration of resources.
- It makes a community a better place to live.
- St. Louis is my home. I want it to thrive.
- As a Travel and Tourism professional, a longtime resident and highly involved in the Metro community, I value the development and support of all businesses, organizations and individuals to create an environment where people want to live, work and visit as it benefits our economy and maintains an environment conducive to welcoming permanent residents, grows businesses, and invites visitors for extended stays.
- I am interested in bridging the divide.
- I work with many local organizations and businesses interested in community development and sustainability.
- Citizens of all ages must be connected to the internet to participate in today’s digital society.
- Building a Smart City is vital as we gather and discuss ways to strategize and implement innovative ways for St. Louis to be a greater city to call home!
- St. Louis seems to be missing the boat.
- Improving the broadband provided within the city and county is the only way to help St. Louis move forward.
- Necessary to compete in the 21st century.
- Extending Healthcare.
- Equity and innovation.
- “Have successful experience in guiding company strategies and rural community partners through technological achievements in broadband infrastructure deployment and adoption strategies”.
- Technology agnostic infrastructure development, along with the socio-economic techniques that utilize broadband adoption as the 21st century tool needed to serve community anchor institutions, public safety, local healthcare and education is the basic principal that allows broadband adoption to be THE sustainable economic development strategy needed to compete on a local, regional, national and global basis. Experience and efforts in this area have resulted in our company and communities being nationally recognized for rural partnerships and being awarded the NTCA’s prestigious “”Smart Rural Community”” designation.
- These efforts, aligned with active appointments and participation in regional Economic Development, State and Federal legislative efforts, and Regulatory Agency(s) policy development (and review) are all included in my experience to assist closing the Digital Divide.
- All of this experience and effort allows me to recognize the most critical attribute is sharing thoughts and ideas to continue moving these efforts further along! Well-developed Public-Private partnerships and measurable planning tools are fundamental in seeing “”Smart City”” efforts succeed. “
- I am a native of U. City and am currently in an MSW/MPH program in the hopes of learning skills to better support my community. I’d like to be a part of this important dialogue to both hear perspectives and lend insights (where I’m able).
- I love cities. They have some current and future challenges that need fixing. The smart cities movement has the promise to tackle some of these.
- Equity.
- I want to be part of building a better STL and using technology to this end.
- Improve gov’t efficiency.
- Proper planning and prioritizing of resources along with consciousness of environmental impacts will help sustain community growth and prosperity for the future and our children.
- It is the world’s current and future. Major growth has already started in Europe and Asia.
- To create an opportunity to recognize the value and contributions of all citizens and provide a broader definition of growth and success for the benefit of all.
- Bridge the Digital Divide. Keep STL relevant.
- It sounds like an important step for the area to take if it wants to help its citizens be more prepared to take advantage of all the possibilities of the future.
- The potential for improved economic opportunity for residents across the socio-economic spectrum.
- To address increase demands on cities and to improve quality of life of people.
- We are involved with several projects (Missouri, Kansas City, and other Midwestern states) and are keenly interested in gunshot detection and crime prevention as a big part of the complete solution.
- I want to see a city that is united. We all have many attributes we can bring to the city.
- I am Smart Cities Consultant.
- Tech needs to be used to advance social justice.
- Because as strong as St. Louis’ history is, we need to be stronger in the future.
- Improving people’s lives.
- It’s the future.
- “A smart city that is built for growth and sustainability will attract a workforce that will enhance the image and economic opportunities for the metro area.”
- “I want to improve Internet access for all people in our region.”
- Economic development and overall equality is important to me.
- It’s the future and we need to begin proper planning.
- To accelerate economic and community development.
- Live and work in the City.
- Improving the economic viability of the city will strengthen the region as well. A stronger region benefits everyone who lives and works here.
- To enhance opportunities for all citizens.
- Efficiency of resources
- Cutting edge technology is essential to future economic growth and if thoughtfully implemented can enhance the cultural and community experience for all.
- “Necessary.”
- It is inevitable and will allow communities to expand beyond what they know now.
- St Louis needs to prove we are still a smart city. Old solutions just don’t work anymore.
- “Smart” decisions are good.
- Because we have less waste and more interconnections with smart cities.
- To support economic growth and sustain a vibrant workforce in the area.
- Delmar Divine (old St. Luke’s hospital) and taking connectedness north.
- Technological advances will bring a great improvement to St. Louis. “A smarter city is a smarter world.” – Alex Baldera
- Because of Forest Park Forever’s work.
- Work for Forest Park Forever.
- I’m still learning about what a Smart City is and how I can support it.
- I co-founded an IOT smart contracts company. We believe nuanced agreements are key in implementing a smart city.
- I co-founded a smart contracts company focused in making IOT agreements simple and safe. We believe that making safe agreements easy and automated would make a strong asset to a smart city.
- It could positively impact my city and its residents. I am also looking for ways to close the digital divide.
- Because of the endless possibilities, it brings with it.
- I am a resident. I am also supporting customers within STL from a technology standpoint. I believe our team could be very helpful with this endeavor! We are locally owned and operated Microsoft Gold Partner.
- Love the Link System in NYC.
- Interested in technology impact and opportunities for metro areas.
- I’m a supplier of infrastructure, poles, and lighting to the city.
- Change in St. Louis.
- We are a local software company and would like to help develop technology in the St. Louis area.
- We need a smart city.
- Improved quality of life.
- Powering the Quality of Life for my city.
- Advanced connectivity on a community basis offers the potential to achieve social stability and shared prosperity!
- Learn more about Smart City.
- Lifelong resident of the region; long time resident of U City; walking distance of the Loop.
- I work for LaunchCode, to help more people get access to technology education.
- Neighborhoods are the backbone of any community and we need to be purposeful about keeping them intact and vital.
- Important to have all entities, officials and advocates working toward a common goal for a sustainable and healthy City/region.
- We assist non-profits and businesses in the area with their technology needs.
- Inclusion – defeating the digital divide.
- Technology and Neighborhood Problem Solving.
- Energy Efficiency and safety.
- We are neighbors, also love St Louis and its potential.
- St. Louis.
- I live and work in Saint Louis. And who doesn’t want to live and work in a Smart City?
- I’d like to see St Louis thrive and grow and believe technology initiatives can have a positive impact in moving the city towards those goals.
- Keeping up with customers’ expectations in 21st Century.
- Putting St. Louis at the forefront of urban redevelopment.
- Inclusion.
- Building a Smart City will help build St. Louis’s economic vitality and improve the lives of St. Louisans.
- My involvement with foundation initiatives.
- Need to identify ways to drive economic activity into socioeconomically challenged neighborhoods.
- I am helping to lead the St. Louis Smart City Initiative for the City.
- I have a Master in Sustainability and also work in City government.
- Smart City encourages innovation in how we use public resources. With Smart City, resources can last longer and go further, benefiting more St. Louis residents.
- It affects the region’s ability to attract employers in growing technology industries.
- I feel that it is vital to bridge the gap between the lack of technology awareness – baby boomers and SMART technologies (innovative, technology driven organizations) with the intent of creating collaborative communities and strategic partnerships.
- Create jobs for 21st century technology that can connect the entire region
- Drive diverse economic growth in the STL region.
- Smart Cities are a necessary precondition for building a more efficient, sustainable, and equitable world. I’ve focused my career, first as a civil engineer and now as a nonprofit technology executive, to doing just that!
it improves lives
- Smart cities is what we build.
- I am currently working on a project in my community to improve our business district.
- Looking for ideas for the Ward 16 Business Association .
- Improving connectivity for all regions of the St. Louis area.
- Networking.
- I am a resident .
- Future considerations.
- An Environmentally smart city with car optional functionality interest me
- We would like to help everyone in the community take full advantage of the resources available to them in this ever-changing, technological marvel of an age.
- To enhance the quality and performance of City services.

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