Community Small Cell and Public WiFi Program
Almost fifty years ago, cable companies came to visit every city and municipality in the USA. At that time, cities and municipalities did not know enough about technology and economic development, to propose a mutually beneficial agreement between the city and the cable provider. Today, many cities are being pulled into the same drama. If a city focuses exclusively on small cell pole attachment revenues, will that community realize the best Smart City community revenue and economic development gains. We think there is a better way.
Force Multiplier
The “Force Multiplier” solution, is a business platform which can consolidate multiple carrier’s cells, public WiFi and a neutral host option. In this way, real-estate and pole attachments are efficiently used, avoiding and reducing future small cell technology blight, while generating stakeholder revenues, lowering the cost of broadband and public WiFi. Furthermore, Force Multiplier reduces the need for traditional feasibility studies which attempt to predict revenue, yet may be politically encumbered, whereas Force Multiplier will deliver revenue from day one under carrier negotiated agreements. This cost benefit can then be used to fund or lower the cost of your Smart City, IoT or community broadband network.
The Force Multiplier program, is a proven model and step by step process for a municipality, utility or consortium, to not only best prepare for what to expect from a carrier, but also coaches them on what a carrier or provider needs and will expect from them. The program also reveals how to spot a good deal from a bad deal, and empowers the community to maximize negotiations in their favor without the risk of derailment of any current offers.
The model itself along with its various hardware platforms remain both carrier, vendor and technology agnostic while remaining vigilant in offering state of the art results, service offerings and enhanced revenue streams for the benefit of the community both short and long term. The results produce a “revenue now” kickoff that helps accommodate carrier goals, and that also results in a targeted build to suit backhaul network owned and operated locally. By adding two new monthly revenue drivers beyond attachments alone, the multi stream, multi-year revenue model yields the highest margins now, while also setting the stage for organically “nontax payer” funded infrastructure programs that future proof the assets in a way that assures real-estate and pole attachments are efficiently used, avoiding and reducing future technology blight on the assets themselves.
Multiple Revenue Streams
Force Multiplier’s revenue streams fall into four different categories. Real-estate, power, backhaul and local labor. When the FM program is in place, it will generate a lease payment for the real-estate attachment, a monthly blended payment for power and backhaul to the community. Together, this represents a significant revenue stream to stakeholders, particularly when the stakeholder group is providing all real-state, power and backhaul. These funds then can go on to fund further growth and investments and help realize your smart city goals
Economic Development and Public Wi-Fi
Public Wi-Fi is an essential component of the Smart City. Not only is public Wi-Fi an essential tool for creating a sense of place for a digital workforce, but it is also an essential tool that can be used to reach disadvantaged communities, to educate and capture greater opportunity and mind share. One of the big problems with public Wi-Fi are the ongoing costs of the service. With Force Multiplier in place, the basic infrastructure aspects are already covered, needing only to cover the costs of the actual Wi-Fi access point and Internet bandwidth.
Next Steps
We are interested to form significant private or public-private sector relationships that have access to real-estate, poles, power and backhaul to deploy our Force Multiplier methods for your benefit.
In most cases, Carrier Small Cells are provided by carriers at no cost. On a market by market and location by location basis, carriers are offering trade deals and free equipment for attachment rights and electricity. In some cases, a carrier may pay rent or attachment fees, buy bandwidth from an equipped pole and cover electricity costs.
iNeighborhoods offers your City, Community Organization, Utility or Consortium the opportunity to participate in a carrier asset review and valuation to provide your organization with a formal offer from a carrier to determine the emerging economics, get an offer on the table.
The Force Multiplier Readiness Program requires that you provide your real-estate GPS locations and any available network infrastructure that could be used for back-haul. In return, the Readiness program will provide carrier funding match making, P3 revenue share, take care of carrier negotiations and back-haul design / implementation requirements.
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